Overview |
Title bar:
The title and version of the program are displayed. Additionally, the operating system and its state (Service Pack) will be shown.
Menu bar:
· Profiles
Profiles in xp-AntiSpy are somewhat like templates for the available settings. If a profile is chosen, the settings will be modified on pressing the Apply Settings button. A dot (●) in front of a profile entry, shows you that it's active.
Read more about profiles in Profiles
· Special
This menu is about additional functions.
· Refresh
All available settings will get their state refreshed.
· Set Time Server
You can specify the time server, where Windows gets its internet time from. See: Set Time Server
· Connection Limit
Opens up the Connection Limit dialog.
Settings view:
In this view, all available settings are displayed. For clarity reasons they are grouped into categories. A click on the categories beam collapses or expands the settings contained.
Every setting displayed can have a certain state which will be described in Signs and Symbols.
Window splitter:
The window splitter serves as a dynamic divide between the settings view and the help view. If you move the mouse over it, you can drag the slider by holding the left mouse button down. Is this way you can re-arrange the size of the two views.
Help view:
In this view you'll find some information about the setting highlighted in the settings view.
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